>It is kind of unethical to discuss how important and independent
>Russians or Ukrainians are. In Ukraine people are trying to defend
>their right to express own opinion. ...
It sounds like: "Ohnestly, I don't care about all of you, your
shitty counties and your domestic politics, because I live now in the
most beautiful country in the world, but I hate to think that nobody
is awared about my strikingly sophisticated thoughts."
> ... People are always manipulated by authorities, If u go to
>supermarket u find items of essential needs far away from the
>entrance, this way management forces you to buy more products,
>and it is not considered as an offence by most people...
> ... That is why I am not for YUSHCHENKO BUT AGAINST YANUKOVICH.
"Can you imagine, every day I go to the nearest supermarket for
some food, but all the fucking pizza and other tasty stuff are located
in the farthest corner from the entrance... I'm forced to go by cars,
computers and jewelery. And now I don't know where to park more than
seventy cars, and to store some hundred computers and about fifty
pounds of gold chains, ear rings and broochs... I'M FOR THE MARKET,
>Intelligent people would understand I assume
They will. They do. Don't worry about.
Никто, и звать никак.
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