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Рассказчик: alar
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18.09.2001, Комментарии к спецвыпускам

Sorry my French...
Is it so difficult to find the difference between the real life and humor?
Serious discussions about terrorism/politics and daily jokes?
Some idiots came to this site to read a couple of jokes and eventually
wrote a politically/socially stupid articles. About russians without
consiousness. What are you doing here? Nothing to do at your workplace?
This is not a place for mourning. Go to a church. If you lost friends or
relatives I feel sorry about it, but don't claim people writing into this
section. Don't like - don't read.
People should be able to laugh at everything they find funny. You know,
the laugh lenghens the life. All of us know and laugh at the anekdotes
about WW2. 'Echo of war'? Is it necessary for you to wait for 50 years
before composing jokes about WTC?
In conclusion, I don't read the section 'Terror', because I don't like
black humour. I feel sorry about dead people, but I support Verner.


20.11.2003, Новые афоризмы и фразы - основной выпуск

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