24 февраля 2000
Остальные фразы
Меняется каждый час по результатам голосованияГуманитарные ковровые бомбардировки-Где это?
Бронетемкин Поносец.
не делайте культ из секса. делайте культ из сексуального
В здоровом теле - здоровый...
Потому, потому, что мы в пилотке,
Небо наш голубой, родимый дом,-
Первым делом, первым делом Зяма Леткин,
Ну,а Дедушкин, а Дедушкин потом!
Потому, потому, что мы в пилотке,
Небо наш голубой, родимый дом,-
Первым делом, первым делом Зяма Леткин,
Ну,а Дедушкин, а Дедушкин потом!
Без труда кобыле легче.
1) За двумя заЯйцами погонишься - ни одного заЯйца не
2) На безрыбье и раком рыбу.
3) Любишь кататься - катись на х*й
2) На безрыбье и раком рыбу.
3) Любишь кататься - катись на х*й
Будешь много жить - скоро состаришься.
I am Senad from Sweden (born in ex Yugoslavia. I write aphorism and I
was two time the winner.
I have cca 800 aphorisms.
I sent some of them to your a nice internet page and hopes that you
like them.
Smart voices - by Senad Honic (Sweden)
Every body has the same view with their eyes closed
If time is money, it's no wonder we're always late
Even a better tomorrow is a day late
Water is polluted , especially those 70% making up the human body
It's a free country, as long as you donot ask too many
A book is your best friend, because it will never read you
He was punished without cause but that would be arranged
Step by step and we were almost walking
Your house , my freedom
Housing problems are solved by buiding bridges
His autobiography changed him for life
He did not fail, he was murdered
It's a free country, as long as you not ask too many questions
We find our beginning in their end
We enlighten a dark past and darken a bright future
Your house , my freedom
Women should take higher position, that way they get a better view of
the man
Overnight success is only in our dream
Senad Honic
Professorsgatan 4/B
215 53 Malmo
I am Senad from Sweden (born in ex Yugoslavia. I write aphorism and I
was two time the winner.
I have cca 800 aphorisms.
I sent some of them to your a nice internet page and hopes that you
like them.
Smart voices - by Senad Honic (Sweden)
Every body has the same view with their eyes closed
If time is money, it's no wonder we're always late
Even a better tomorrow is a day late
Water is polluted , especially those 70% making up the human body
It's a free country, as long as you donot ask too many
A book is your best friend, because it will never read you
He was punished without cause but that would be arranged
Step by step and we were almost walking
Your house , my freedom
Housing problems are solved by buiding bridges
His autobiography changed him for life
He did not fail, he was murdered
It's a free country, as long as you not ask too many questions
We find our beginning in their end
We enlighten a dark past and darken a bright future
Your house , my freedom
Women should take higher position, that way they get a better view of
the man
Overnight success is only in our dream
Senad Honic
Professorsgatan 4/B
215 53 Malmo
Баба с возу - волки сыты.
Chem volka ne kormi vse ravno u slona tolshe.
Dnem so gnem,vecherom razognem.
В каждой доле есть не шутки.
Где человек не нашелся, там и находится.
Где человек не нашелся, там и находится.
DATA BUTTONA - первый грузинский хакер...
свадьба это торжественный ввод пизды в эксплуатацию
...есть только один пидер...
Самый смешной анекдот за 16.03:
Некоторые так озабочены вопросом, кто же должен за кого платить на свиданиях, как будто они на них ходят.