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Анекдот №516787

Куда: Всякая всячина.
Для: Дядька Женя ( http://www.anekdot.ru/an/an1106/c110622.html#6 )
Музыка: Владимира Шаинского.
Слова: группы изучения английского.
Название: Imagine. (с) Джон Леннон

In grass just sat grasshopper,
In grass just sat grasshopper,
Completely like cucumber
Green green he was were been.
Imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself
Completely like cucumber
Green green he was were been.

To him has come the green frog,
To him has come the green frog,
Enormous greedy belly
And ate the grasshopper.
Imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself
Enormous greedy belly.
Imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself
And ate the grasshopper.

He didn’t think and guess that,
He didn’t think and guess that
And not at all expect it
Such bloody bullshit end!
Imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself
And not at all expect it.
Imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself
Such bloody bullshit end!
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