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Анекдот №152271

Most complete list of car abbreviations:

KIA - Killed In Assembly
HONDA - Had One Never Do Again,
FIAT - Failure in Italian Automotive Technology
AUDI - Another Ugly Duetsche Invention
PONTIAC -People On Narcotics Think It's A Chevy
FIAT - Failure in Italian Automotive Technology
SAAB - Sad Attempt At Beauty
VOLVO - Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object
BUICK - Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer
DODGE - Dead On Delivery, Go Easy
GM - Generally Miserable
BMW - Big Money Waster
HYUNDAI - Hope You Understand Nothing`s Drivable And Inexpensive
CADILLAC - Crazy And Demented Idiots Like Large American Cars
CHEVROLET - Constantly Having Every Vehicle Recalled Over Lousy
Engineering Techniques
MERCEDES - Most Eccentric Rich Capitalists Enjoy Driving Expensive
MITSUBISHI - Mostly In The Shop Undergoing Big Investments, Sometimes
Halfway Incomplete
MAZDA - Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along
NISSAN - Nine Idiots Standing, Saying Absolutely Nothing
OLDSMOBILE - Old Ladies Driving Slowly Make Others Behind Infuriatingly
Late Every day.
SUBARU - Screwed Up Beyond All Repair Usually
SATURN - Sounds Absolutely Terrible, Unbelievable Rattling Noises
TOYOTA - Torturous On Your Old Tired Ass
VOLKSWAGEN - Very Obsolete, Losers Knowingly Suffer With All German
Engineered Nonsense
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