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Анекдот №-10023768

To Terrorism.comments.

Sorry I don't have Russian fonts installed on my laptop so i'll write
in English. No matter how much you hate Americans, their policy,
or culture, making jokes about terrible death of more then 5,000
innocent people is totally unacceptable. If we are unable to feel
compassion for someone's tragedy we are not human. When Chernobil
happened decades ago we received millions of dollars in humanitarian
aid from many countries including the US. All we can do for them now
is to feel sorry and show our support, not a stupid laugh. Don't you
think it can happen in Russia too and some terrorists can hijack
a plane and crash it into a center of Moscow? Dima, i respect your policy
of being above all this dirt that is sent to your website, however i
feel strongly that in this case you should make an exception and stop
publishing jokes related to this tragedy.


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