to Humble American Citizen
Scusatemi, a vy vasche-to platite za pol'zovanie saitom
a to ya kak ni posmotryu u vas vse vremya kakie-to pretenzii.
True-true, daleko ne vse shto zdes' pechatajut horosho. Nevertheless,
in my personal humble opinion, v etom-to i smysl, right? eto kak-by
besplatnyj narodnyj site, kto che hochet- tot to i pishet a ravno
chitaet (soglasno starinnomu anglijskomu zakony 17 veka o web-sites).
Рассказчик: New England Aquarium
To Humble Am. Cit.
Just wonder- do guys really make over $50/hr in Moscow for say, software
development (assuming ~2000 hr/yr)?
I've seen Moscow job ads offering $2-6 hr, $15-18/hr happend maybe twice
in hundreds of ads and was calling for sort of top managers. You
probably mean that business people can make say over 100K/yr there,
which is probably true for only few of them. $300/mo is still considered
a good salary in Moscow.... Also- what kind of business do you run, you
sound familiar.
Just wonder- do guys really make over $50/hr in Moscow for say, software
development (assuming ~2000 hr/yr)?
I've seen Moscow job ads offering $2-6 hr, $15-18/hr happend maybe twice
in hundreds of ads and was calling for sort of top managers. You
probably mean that business people can make say over 100K/yr there,
which is probably true for only few of them. $300/mo is still considered
a good salary in Moscow.... Also- what kind of business do you run, you
sound familiar.
New England Aquarium (2)