Гудит, как улей
Родной завод,
А мне-то х@ли?
@бись он в рот!!!
12 февраля 2004
Остальные новые стишки
Меняется каждый час по результатам голосования6
Просыпаюсь с бодуна,
Денег нету ни хрена,
Отвалилась печень,
Пересохло в горле,
Похмелиться нечем,
Документы сперли,
Глаз заплыл,
Пиджак в крови,
Под кроватью брюки -
До чего же довели
Кммунисты - суки
Денег нету ни хрена,
Отвалилась печень,
Пересохло в горле,
Похмелиться нечем,
Документы сперли,
Глаз заплыл,
Пиджак в крови,
Под кроватью брюки -
До чего же довели
Кммунисты - суки
Бухие девчонки стоят в сторонке,
Бутылки в руках теребят.
Потому что на десять девчонок,
По статистике двадцать водяр!
Бутылки в руках теребят.
Потому что на десять девчонок,
По статистике двадцать водяр!
Римейк :
Ворона пернула во все воронье перло,
- кал выпал ,
с ним была плутовка такова .
Ворона пернула во все воронье перло,
- кал выпал ,
с ним была плутовка такова .
веди нас сусанин,
Веди нас герой!
-отстаньте ребята:
я сам здесь впервой.
Веди нас герой!
-отстаньте ребята:
я сам здесь впервой.
Таня и Ваня играли на крыше,
после двух выстрелов стало по-тише.
после двух выстрелов стало по-тише.
Love Poem (English)
It's been long since I've written a poem,
I write now cause feb14th approaches
and feel I must hello him.
Well, actually its only her,
she 's the best nature can offer.
I'll race this poem now,
& make you wipe your sweat from your brow.
This poem is for her,
for shes awesome.
the last time I seen her she looked so beautiful and wholesome.
You have been deprived if you hav'nt seen her smile.
its the kind for,
which Caesar would leave Cleopatra and even swim the Nile.
Ya, she has her flaws.
that you might not want to see,
as its the next best thing to Jaws.
Race again, Shes the best.
North, south east and west.
Whats her name,
do you want to know,
her name's Leslie
and she's a woman,
the name go both ways.....you must know.
This poem so far so good.
Second paragraph flows well.
I wish I could just grab her and in my love make her dwell.
Man......what can I say,
even on bad days,
shes so swell,
She says I flatter and think highly her.
but she means a lot to me,
more than myself.
That she pretends not to see.
Race again, I love her.
I'll end this poem now
and hey.... if you ever meet her,
be good to her,
for then, for you,
my prays I will offer.
It's been long since I've written a poem,
I write now cause feb14th approaches
and feel I must hello him.
Well, actually its only her,
she 's the best nature can offer.
I'll race this poem now,
& make you wipe your sweat from your brow.
This poem is for her,
for shes awesome.
the last time I seen her she looked so beautiful and wholesome.
You have been deprived if you hav'nt seen her smile.
its the kind for,
which Caesar would leave Cleopatra and even swim the Nile.
Ya, she has her flaws.
that you might not want to see,
as its the next best thing to Jaws.
Race again, Shes the best.
North, south east and west.
Whats her name,
do you want to know,
her name's Leslie
and she's a woman,
the name go both ways.....you must know.
This poem so far so good.
Second paragraph flows well.
I wish I could just grab her and in my love make her dwell.
Man......what can I say,
even on bad days,
shes so swell,
She says I flatter and think highly her.
but she means a lot to me,
more than myself.
That she pretends not to see.
Race again, I love her.
I'll end this poem now
and hey.... if you ever meet her,
be good to her,
for then, for you,
my prays I will offer.
proschla lьbow
sawjali rosi
a ja ebal tebja
w dwe posi
sawjali rosi
a ja ebal tebja
w dwe posi
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